Positivity and Stuff

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Let Go?

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Let Go?
Brought to you by the Proctor Gallagher Institute You have started on your Personal Development journey. You are reading, studying, attending se...

Keep Pressing On

Keep Pressing On
Brought to you by the Proctor Gallagher Institute  A famous mountain climbing resort in the Swiss Alps caters to businesses that encourage their...

The Habits in Your Head

The Habits in Your Head
Brought to you by Proctor Gallagher InstituteI ran across a terrific little article a couple of days ago with the intriguing title, “The 22 Habit...

How Your Mind Works

How Your Mind Works
Brought to you by the Proctor Gallagher Institute There’s one thing that all goal-oriented people have in common: We want to understand how our m...

A Parent’s Love for the Family Treasure

A Parent’s Love for the Family Treasure
Brought to you by Proctor Gallagher InstituteThere are all kinds of love. The passionate romantic love immortalized and often fantasized by poet...


This month I’m reflecting on reliability.  You know reliability.  It’s that wonderful quality some people have that means they do what they say t...

Treasures From The Past

Treasures From The Past
For each of us, there is a place that represents the best of what makes the world good. For me, it’s an old building. I like to think about the...

March 2018 Affirmation of the Month

March 2018 Affirmation of the Month
Brought to you by Proctor Gallagher Institute

Never Stop Dreaming

Never Stop Dreaming
The following is an excerpt from Life’s Journey – Professional & Personal Wholeness. In it is included a section titled “Life Stories.” The...

Great Expectations

Great Expectations
What do you expect? How many times has someone said that to you? Usually, of course, it’s rhetorical – a (typically critical) commentary on a ...

How’s your G.Q.?

How’s your G.Q.?
REBLOGGED FROM www.ProctorGallagherInstitute.comFrom an early age, most of us have been trained in the habit of gratitude. “Please and thank yo...

The Beautiful Mistake

The Beautiful Mistake
Oscar Wilde wrote, “Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one n...