The Beautiful Mistake

The Beautiful Mistake

Oscar Wilde wrote, “Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one’s mistakes.”

Creeping common sense. What a wonderful way to describe what happens when the sense designed to help you starts to work against you, instead.

Common sense serves us well in all sorts of ways. It keeps us safe and out of danger and guides us towards the right choices and decisions… most of the time.

But when you’re aiming to do something truly UN-common — something that the majority of people out there would never undertake — “common” sense can become the single biggest roadblock to your success.

It’s going to tell you to stay on the “safe” path. It’s going to whisper all of the “dangers” in your ear. It’s going to work its way into your thoughts and remind you that if you undertake this plan, if you do this thing, something terrifying might happen: you might just make a mistake.

And common sense does NOT want you to make a mistake. That’s its job. It’s there to help keep you alive, and it doesn’t always distinguish between mistakes that could actually threaten your life, and those that might simply shake it up for a while.

To make that distinction, you have to employ your UN-common sense.

For example, our new FREE 3-part video series is something that Sandy Gallagher and I are absolutely passionate about. We put a huge amount of thought and effort into each and every video we record. Because we know that the information we share has the power to change lives.

But a project like this is filled with the potential for challenges, setbacks, and mistakes. We knew the risks going in. We also knew the potential rewards. So despite the warnings of common sense, we did it anyway.

And have we ever made some mistakes! WATCH THIS:


What you see in this video isn’t half of what ended up on the virtual cutting room floor.

But the end result is so unbelievably worth it. We get feedback every single day from people who say the material is changing their lives in incredible ways.

If we’d succumbed to creeping common sense, that video wouldn’t exist. But neither would those success stories, nor all those to come.

Given that, I’ll take mistakes any day of the week. Wouldn’t you?

I hope you enjoy our mistakes captured in this video (I know I get a good laugh every time I watch it.) More importantly, I hope you enjoy yours. They’re something to embrace, not avoid. And they really will end up being your greatest teachers

And by the way… if you’d like to see the final, mistake-free version of our FREE 3-part video series — and transform your life in the process — click here!

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