How Your Mind Works

How Your Mind Works

Brought to you by the Proctor Gallagher Institute 

There’s one thing that all goal-oriented people have in common:

We want to understand how our mind works so we can thrive in this world.

I have been studying this topic every day for more than 50 years. And today, I’d like to give you a fundamental understanding of what I have discovered.

If you practice applying what I’m about to share, you will find it a lot easier to improve every area of your life.

Understanding Precedes Change

The easiest way to explain how the mind works is to use an image. However, since no one has ever seen the mind, we must engage our imagination to build this image.

This can be accomplished with…

The Stickperson

The Stickperson is built upon the premise that you have a power within you that is far superior to any condition or circumstance around you. You can use your thoughts to direct this power to whatever results you choose.

Although the graphic below may seem elementary, I caution you not to allow its apparent simplicity to deceive you. If you truly understand this graphic, it can reveal to you a wonderful world of power, possibility and promise.

Conscious Mind—Thinking Mind

The top half of your head, the conscious mind, is the part of you that thinks and reasons. It’s also where your free will lies—where you decide what you want to do and what you want to focus on.

The conscious mind is also where your sensory factors and intellectual faculties are…

Sensory factors allow you to correspond with the outside world through sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. When you allow outside stimuli to direct your thoughts, you focus on ‘what is’ rather than ‘what can be.’

On the other hand, intellectual faculties, such as your will and imagination, allow you to direct the power (the energy) that is always flowing to and through you inward. By focusing there, you can build any idea or thought you want.

The conscious mind can accept or reject any idea. No person or circumstance can force you to think any thoughts you do not want. This is important because the thoughts you choose—whether they come from outside or inside—will eventually determine your results in life. As you accept a thought, it is impressed upon your subconscious mind.

Subconscious Mind—Conditioned Mind

This part of you functions in every cell of your body. However, for our image, the bottom half of your head will represent your subconscious mind.

Every thought or word your conscious mind chooses to accept (whether it’s currently true or not), the subconscious mind must accept… it has no ability to reject. This part of your mind knows no limits, except those you choose.

Any thought you consciously impress upon the subconscious over and over (such as affirmations) becomes fixed in there. Fixed ideas automatically express themselves in feelings and actions, until they are replaced. (Fixed ideas are commonly referred to as habits.)

Body—Instrument of the Mind

The body is the physical representation of you, the material medium. It is merely the house you live in.

Here’s why we say the body is the instrument of the mind…

The thoughts or images which you consciously choose and impress upon the subconscious (which is in every cell of your body) move your body into action. And the actions you take determine the results you get in life.

So, it looks like this:

Thoughts → Feelings → Actions → Results

It’s really simple…

To change your results (“R” in the image below), you must choose different thoughts because that changes your feelings and actions.

Now Think About This

As you see in the graphic above, energy is constantly flowing into our consciousness and we get to choose what to do with that energy.

We might choose to think about things that our sensory factors pick up. In other words, we can put our attention on things that are outside of us, things we see, hear, feel, taste and touch.

Or we can use our intellectual faculties to deliberately choose thoughts that are aligned with the results we want—regardless of what’s happening around us. If we impress those thoughts and ideas upon our subconscious mind over and over, we become one with what we want to be, do and have.

As seen below, choosing new thoughts become an idea that will lead to different results.

Here’s How to Use These Graphics to Improve Your Life

Understanding the Stickperson allows you to step outside of yourself and look at how you’ve been using your mind.

You can use your results to look at yourself objectively to see what you are thinking, and which ideas you are getting emotionally involved with in your subconscious mind.

Since the body is an instrument of the mind, it moves into action or behaviors based on those emotionalized ideas. Those actions and behaviors, of course, determine the results you’re getting.

So, observing this graphic and your results helps you determine where you need to make changes.

As you grasp this concept, it becomes clear that the subconscious mind is the power center. The ideas that are fixed in your subconscious mind control your life.

How did those ideas get into the subconscious mind? You put them there.

However, by understanding how your mind works, you’ll recognize that you can transform your life by building and holding a new image that will cause you to be a different person.

When you allow yourself to raise your conscious awareness to the degree that you are one with what you really want to be, do, and have in your life, your life will be transformed.

To your success,

Bob Proctor


P.S. In The New Lead the Field Coaching Program, we go into great detail about how to use the Stickperson, universal laws and timeless wisdom to help you create a far more bountiful life.  If you’re serious about changing your world—for you and your loved ones—I strongly encourage you to learn more this transformational program. Get the details here.

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