Maintaining Faith While Pursuing Your Dreams

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post called Your Fairy Tale Dream is Waiting. The article explained that the fantasy that’s in your heart already exists, and it’s just a matter of time before it manifests in your physical reality.

Today’s post follows up on that idea. My hope is that it will help you make it through the toughest part of waiting for your dream to manifest—the middle.

You see, it’s easy to have faith in your dream in the beginning and near the end of the journey.

But when the initial excitement wears off, and the end is nowhere in sight, things may sometimes appear quite bleak.

Like when you get turned down for a loan on your dream house…

When you run out of money before you can launch your new business…

Or when you get a medical report that isn’t what you hoped for.

Unfortunately, when facing challenges like these, most people quit before their dream has had time to “fully cook.”

So, here are some insights I’ve gained over the years that can help you keep that from happening to you.

When the microphone stops working,
keep singing your song

I’m not suggesting that you’ll never be met with opposition.

In fact, I’m suggesting the opposite.

You will have struggles, disappointments and setbacks. You may even come face-to-face with obstacles that appear to be much larger than you can handle.

But please understand this…

Challenges and obstacles are a part of every successful journey.

Every achiever has had to overcome some difficulties along their path to success.

But here’s the thing. If you ask them if they could do it all over again and avoid the biggest challenges they had faced, most would say no.


Because finding a way to overcome those challenges proved to be invaluable to their success. It forced them to dig deeper to find attributes, knowledge or abilities they didn’t know they had.

So, instead of letting opposition stop you, understand what’s really going on, and keep walking toward your dream.

Doing so will allow you to…

Break away from the masses

Being aware that challenges are a natural part of the goal-achieving process helps you stick with it and meet with success.

Instead of focusing on the problem, as most people do, you will use your imagination to picture what you want.

Instead of sinking into despair and thinking your dream is impossible, you will remember that the idea in your heart is already in route.

And instead of abandoning your dream, you will understand that it’s important to give all you’ve got to the task that’s in front of you. Even if, as is often the case, you have no idea what’s coming next.

Why it’s better to be in the dark

Bob and I always say you should pursue your dreams, even if you don’t know how you’re going to make them happen.

When you think about it, you’ll realize it’s probably a good thing that we don’t know all the details of how to achieve our dreams in the beginning.

If we knew everything that will need to happen to reach our goal, there’s a good chance we would talk ourselves out of it before we even got started. After all, it would be much easier and a lot more comfortable to stay right where we are.

Of course, the problem with staying in our comfort zone is we keep thinking the same thoughts, doing the same things, and getting the same results year after year.

So what’s the solution to
making it through the middle?

When you go for a big goal, expect to face some challenges. And when they arrive, recognize them for what they are: opportunities for growth.

Don’t get stuck in worry mode when things don’t go as you expected. Don’t give up when an obstacle seems bigger than you. Don’t get discouraged when every voice tells you that you’re crazy and you should give up.

Instead, keep focusing on where you’re going, not where you are.

Remind yourself that the challenge you’re facing is not your destination; it’s just a step along the way.

To avoid making the mistake of letting challenges and struggles overwhelm you so that you end up settling there, I encourage you to do three things.

First, nurture your imagination. Read, watch and do things that remind you that your dream is already out there in the world waiting for you.

For instance, if you want to live in a big house, one thing you can do is visit large homes that are for sale.

If you want a new luxury car, test drive the car you want to own.

If you dream of starting and running a thriving business, study people who have done what you want to do. And hang out with successful business owners.

Let those things be a sign that everything you’re dreaming about is possible.

Second, keep reminding yourself that the right people, funds, and resources are already on the way to you.

And finally, act as if it were impossible to fail.

These things will not only get you through the middle, but they will also put you on the road to big-time successes in your life.

To more and better,

Sandy Gallagher

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