Lessons on Love from a Fishing Trip

You will never look at love or fishing the same way again and it will make more sense when you get to the end of this.

I did not know then what I know now and I was completely ignorant. I want to share with you an amazing revelation that I hope doesn’t take you 30 years to learn this like I did so please pay close attention.

Like most people, I always longed for my soul mate but after many lonely teenage years and painful twenties, I finally found him in 2016.

When I was younger, I’d go fishing with my brother and I was baffled in the same boat with the same bait, I would catch nothing and get impatient and frustrated, but he would catch all the fish. But this kid clearly loved fishing and got so good at it he would win tournaments!

‘Cast and real in’ is not fishing – that’s wishing and I never knew that fishing was like an art that my brother studied intimately to get the results he wanted – and clearly, I had not. This metaphor is the same in real life. You have to know where the fish will be, the best bait to use, the water temperature, the underwater structure, the wind, and the time of year as this all impacts your ability to land the big ones.

Valentine’s Day has just passed us, so I have a special message for you about Desire. It got me thinking that it’s quite silly when I look at how I used to look for a partner or anything I wanted for that matter, it was much like fishing (wishing) – and I was a lousy fisherman!

Back then, I had no idea who I really was or who/what I was looking for but would just mindlessly go “fishing” and cast the “pole” and just real it in wishing and hoping that something on the other end will bite and I would land a big one (my dream man) – this is so RANDOM, and love is far too precious to be anything but that.

Each and every failed relationship led to deeper discouragement that I would ever find my soul mate, but it never occurred to me that maybe I was the problem.

Maybe I was missing something and I was.

I was doing it all wrong. I didn’t love ME, so how could anyone else?

I was not only missing love, but I was not happy, my health was failing, and I was getting depressed – and I realize back then how ungrateful and disconnected from my soul I was.

Unbeknownst to me I was blocking myself from what I desired most, but how free I felt when I became aware of this!

I almost lost faith, but then I was shown a better way – this was in 2016, the year I met Bob Proctor, met my soul mate, quit my job, healed myself, turned my annual income into my monthly income, and felt inspired to write a book and share what I learned with the world so others would not have to suffer the way I did.

I never felt more alive!

What if instead of “fishing” for love or anything else you desire you could literally attract those things to you like a magnet?

Pay close attention because I am going to teach you how to magnetize your desires.

It is a well-known fact that “like attracts like” (magnetic force), so whatever you are attracting is just a reflection of who you are, what frequency you are tuned into.

Even Bob says you can only attract to you what you’re in harmony with.

Well, we become what we think about and your results/frustrations in life don’t lie.

Love is the most powerful force on the universe – It’s literally all around us like oxygen. You don’t get it, you tune into it. Interesting right?

It’s not enough in life to want something or wish for it – life is an echo and you get what you put out. It must be a burning Desire.

I was on the wrong frequency for so long but learning how to literally tune into love and gratitude completely transformed me and therefore increased the quality of who and what I attracted.

It was shockingly powerful – and in making this simple shift, I was united with my dream man and virtually anything else I really desired – because I became a better, more loving soul.

I cut the anchor of doubt and harnessed this magnificent power of magnetism.

So whether you desire a loving mate, a new home, your dream job, more money, it makes no difference what it is, but the way you go about getting it is the same – you attract it.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have your desires flow to you easily and effortlessly as if you are a magnet for love, money, health and happiness?

It’s not too good to be true and it’s not random like fishing or based on luck; this is real, this is scientific universal law.

The reason for my misfortune in life was simply ignorance of these beautiful laws – learn from my mistakes, I implore you.

The only way to get what you really desire is to raise your level of awareness through study and exist in harmony with these laws because when you know better you feel empowered to do better.

Be good to yourself! Love is not just to be celebrated in relationships.
Let this be the day you stop fishing for and start attracting what you desire.

Jennie Lynn

Jennie is a relationship expert/best-selling author, coach, and speaker. Magnetic Love – Stop Chasing What You Want, Start Attracting It is a special book endorsed by Bob Proctor and was the #1 best-selling new release self-help book in 2017, so take full advantage of hundreds of dollar’s worth of celebrity bonus gifts to celebrate by visiting www.MagneticLove.com to get your paperback, kindle, or audio book copy on Amazon TODAY!

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